13, 2013
- Community Environment Day This Sunday!
- Mount Pleasant Murals Launched
Community Enviroment Day This Sunday!
Sunday, September 15, 2013 is the annual Environment Day in Ward 27.
Join Councillor Wong-Tam and neighbours at our exciting new location:
Allan Gardens! Environment Day events will be set up at the south-west
corner of Sherbourne Street and Carlton Street.
Visit between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to get your free compost, garbage
and compost bins, sustainable shower heads, and much more!
Also on September 15, the 51 Division Community Police Liaison Committee
(CPLC) is hosting a BBQ, sponsored by Great Gulf Homes at Allan Gardens
from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
When: Sunday,
September 15, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Where: Allan
Gardens (at
the corner of Sherbourne Street and Carleton Street)
If you can come, make a stop at Allan Gardens in September for the Ward
27 Environment Day!
Mount Pleasant Murals Launched
Councillor Wong-Tam, with the Bloor East Neighbourhood Association
(BENA), Senator and former Mayor Art Eggleton and representatives from
Lanterra Developments, Greenwin Properties and Rogers Communication
marked the launch of the Mt. Pleasant Mural Project on August 20th
2013. This project marks the end of a journey begun seven years ago, as
BENA successfully applied to the City of Toronto's StreetArt program for
the completion of a mural located on the Mt. Pleasant Bridge. Work on the
mural began in 2006 but was never finished. Councillor Wong-Tam would
like to thank BENA for their tireless leadership and commitment to
improving their neighbourhood and for the generous contributions of
Lanterra and Greenwin to the mural. She encourages the entire ward to
enjoy this new addition to Toronto's art scene!

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